Death Penalty Study Homepage
In early 2020, a panel of 1,600 U.S. adults participated in the Death Penalty Study. The study sought to understand beliefs about capital punishment, based on the intended actions of individuals. That is, the study sought to move the people in the study from 'opinion holders' about the death penalty to 'actors' in the execution of a serial killer.
Learn more about 'capital punishment' opinions vs. intended actions regarding executions. This is the core theory behind the Death Penalty Study.
Learn more about the methods used to collect information from the people who participated in the study.
Learn more about limitations to the Death Penalty Study.
Learn more about the 1,600 people in the Death Penalty Study, such as age, gender, education, ethnicity, income, etc.
Before viewing the findings, please take the Death Penalty Quiz. See where you stand, compared to other U.S. adults.