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Formulary Injection


Statistical Tests of Percent Differences Among Execution Actors

Formulary Injection: Among Soft Abstract Supporters, 73% were OK with executions using foumulary injections for executions (not approved by the FDA). Among Hard Abstract Supporters, 74% were OK with such executions. Among Executioners, 70% were OK with this method. According to the Chi-Square test, these differences are not statistically significant. The Sig. value is greater than .05. With a Phi coefficient of .04 and an Eta Squared of .001, the effect size of approving this method of execution exerts zero effect on execution roles (intended actions).

When Soft Abstract Supporters and Hard Abstract Supporters were analyzed separately using the Chi-Square test with correction for continuity (2 X 2 table), the difference between them was not significant. With a Phi coefficient of .01 and an Eta Squared of .000, the effect size of approving this method of execution exerts zero effect on execution roles (intended actions).


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